Finding freedom in your unspoken words
Words that heal, can often be the thoughts you think the most but the words you never speak.
There has been a theme that has developed in a recent batch of clients I have worked with. No coincidence that as I continue to do my own deeper healing work, this theme speaks to me as well.
We all think about our past, tell our story to friends who are willing to listen, but we often never express these words to whom we really need to. These unspoken words can hold the key to great freedom.
Here’s an example: you have had on your mind some things you’ve long wanted to say about how you feel to your son, daughter, sibling, parent or x partner. You choose not to for one reason or another. Where do those emotions you feel go? Do they dissolve? Put simply, if you do not express and let go of how you feel about a story in your life, you allow it to stay with you. We need to understand that our thoughts and emotions are forms of energy and where our focus goes our energy follows, so it makes sense that if we think the same thoughts and tell the same story over the course our lives, then those thoughts and emotions will also remain with us. Where do they go? They hang out in the body, in our organs, around our heart, in our brains.
There are several ways to release words and emotions we need to say. What is of upmost importance is to understand that you are doing this for you, for your own healing, to set the energy trapped in your body free. Letting go can be a choice we make long after a loved one has transitioned but know that you can still communicate with them just the same. Additionally someone you may desire to speak with (still living) may not be open to hearing what you want to say or maybe you would rather not speak with them – again there are ways to release your words without ever speaking with them. I often feel for myself it’s best to do solitary communication until I feel relief, that way I can do it on my own time, feel relaxed and take my time.
The best ways I know to release words that want to come out are:
1. Speak them to the one you need to speak to.
2. Sit quietly undisturbed eyes open or closed and speak to the person and say all the words you feel you need to say, this is a great option because you will not be interrupted :)) And…energetically this persons Soul will receive this communication.
3. Write a letter or several letters to this person and don’t send them but after you feel complete and relived tear it up or burn it and discard it.
4. Go for a walk alone and find a rock and then intend that that rock will be the receiver and hold for you every thought you think while you walk. So now that you have your rock, you walk and in your mind you tell the person you need to speak to all the things you’ve wanted to say knowing all the while the rock in your fist is absorbing every thought, word and emotion. When you feel relief you can walk to the top of a mountain or the beach and say any departing words like “I wish you every happiness” “I release you and let you go” “thank you for helping me grow and come to this place of forgiveness and freedom” or whatever speaks to you and then toss that rock into the air. This practice is very powerful, I have done all of these practices, mostly, I have spoken out loud and written letters I never sent, all work really well but some will speak to you more than others.
5. Whatever option you choose and you may choose 2 or all of them, make a ritual out of it. Acknowledge that at this time in your life you are now ready to release these words and emotional pain that ties in with a particular person or situation. Next, take the time you need to completely release it. Meaning one day you may sit and write them a letter you never send, next day or so you may sit on your own and speak out loud as if they were there and say everything you’ve wanted to. Keep choosing a practice to do as the days and weeks go by until you feel like the energy of that story has left you. You know when a story has left you, when you think about it in detail and you feel no emotional charge.
Many, many, many people I know often say “what’s the point in saying anything now after all this time?” Or “just let it go, who cares.” ~ If you can do that and not feel any emotion when you speak about some past story that once bothered you, then great. From my experience with the work I do, most people are carrying around a story that when they speak about it, they get emotional, that tells me that they have some words to speak and some releasing to do. I really don’t think it’s good advice to say “just move on, let it go, suck it up, never mind etc”. Many people grew up in an era where expressing their feelings was not deemed important, valuable or it simply wasn’t tolerated. We would be best to forgive those people who obviously didn’t know better and do what we need to do to set ourselves free now.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me. My BIO ENERGY HEALING sessions are still on if you are interested in having your chakras, mental & emotional bodies cleansed of any stagnant energy, click HERE to view the deal.
have a wonderful day! Lara
Wonderful post Lara. You are doing amazing work. I’m So proud of you
thanks so much!
this is so wise my friend 🙂
thank you. much love to you xxoo