A healing frame of reference

Hi everyone! 

By the way if you are new to my mailing list, 2 blogs in a week is A LOT for me, so please don’t panic if you think you might receive constant blog posts from me! 

This post is actually going to be quite short. Last week I wrote about my ‘take aways’ from my healing sessions in L.A. with Rob Wergin. I have one more take away that is it’s own little gem that I wanted to keep separate. 

After one of my healing sessions in L.A.  Some of us were talking with Rob about integrating how we feel after healing work into our everyday lives. The conversation turned to what we think about, not just after healing sessions but all the time.  I concur, our thoughts program our cells and  literally create our experience. Everything is energy including our thoughts, every time we think and speak we are creating.  Rob shared a story of a man with stage 4 lung cancer who came to see him for a total of 7 sessions. After the 7 sessions his cancer was completely gone. Then the man went home and reportedly kept thinking and saying “I hope it doesn’t come back, what if it comes back?” and guess what? It did. 

Some healing sessions will feel really powerful, some not so much, that does not mean nothing is happening, layers are always being released and sometimes at such a deep level your brain doesn’t register it right away. You want your frame of reference about healing to be very clear – trust, know and believe that you are releasing in every session what needs to be released.  It is very unhelpful to begin to allow thoughts such as:  did that healing session do anything for me? If you go into any kind of healing with the intention to clear some old stuff, then that will be your experience. Remember, it’s not a quick process to release not only this lifetimes emotional blockage but many lifetimes. You are in charge of your health and how you feel is influenced by every thought you think and choice you make.  If you keep that kind of thinking around your healing you will be feeling better than you ever have. The only thing that can get in the way of your healing is your will. You have free will, you get to choose what you think and how you feel, always, no exceptions. No one else EVER comes into play about what is going on with you unless you allow them too and when that happens it’s a choice you made – and understanding that through experience will help you to know just how powerful you are. 

I’m always here if you have any questions.

Casa Tara RADIATE and REPLENISH Retreat

Registration is open for my Radiate & Replenish yoga retreat February 2020 – I will be teaching Yin yoga every early evening while my friend Jayme will teach flow every morning at a beautiful ocean front property in La Paz, Mexico. 2o spots are available. Additionally if you want to come as a family and need more space, you are welcome to rent a near by house and join in for classes and meals only.


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