A Word About Maca



I was at Whole Foods Market West 4th avenue in Kits yesterday learning and receiving some excellent confirmation about the power of Maca from a lady there who really knows her stuff and I LOVE IT when I get the chance to speak with her! Incase you’ve not heard of it, Maca is a natural superfood that has been a staple in the Andean diet for 1,000’s of years.

This whole little Maca adventure began when I was speaking with a friend recently who was sharing about going through some hormonal changes, feeling tired and other unpleasant symptoms she is experiencing. When I have these chats with people I am always drawn to find a supportive solution, mostly because I am super curious and also in the end it benefits me, my Bio Energy clients and yoga students.

I learned that Maca powder or root (sold in powder in most stores) supports our hormones and adrenals. When we get older and go through hormonal changes we need to rely even more on our adrenals for energy, so it’s vital to keep them supported. In addition Maca can greatly decrease and balance the effects of menopause, chronic fatigue syndrome and supports cognitive function. I really like Maca because I see it on the list of so many superfood lists of many well known health experts and I use it myself and find it really energizing.

As a Yin teacher I would suggest totally slowing down, get to bed early at least 5 nights per week. When you choose to live a busy life and continue to commit to a work and social schedule that feels too much, you are taxing your Kidney energy, when this happens you compromise the function of your Kidneys, Adrenals, Urinary bladder, chronic fatigue can set in, lower back pain etc and it’s a long journey back to building up your energy tanks again. In Chinese Medicine your Kidneys are considered the storage containers for your essence energy. EVERY THING IS ENERGY, so driving, talking, listening,thinking, excessive emotional states,blaming, repeating your story in your head or to others, metabolizing your environment, even watching a movie or being glued to social media on your device WHILE feeling tired is literally DRAINING more of your energy so GO TO SLEEP AND REST, close your eyes and breathe, now you can begin to reboot a little.

Most people are not willing to say no or slow down and while it’s the best choice you can make for your health, energy and well being many do not. Definition of insanity? : doing the same thing and expecting a different result. So I will leave you with this, you do not need to choose to slow down, but if you do not stop, one day your body will make that choice for you. Which would you prefer?

You can take Maca many ways, right now I have mine in smoothie with: banana, almond or peanut butter, chocolate protein powder, almond milk and… MACA. The taste is great and you can take it on your travels too, yay!

Yin Yoga with Lara Catherine

Bio Energy Healing with Lara Catherine


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