Lara Catherine
Emotional Wellbeing AND Self-Love Coaching

If you are looking for The Emotion Code OR EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques to release emotional blocks that hold you back, you’re in the right place. I also offer my signature coaching program for women, The Foundations of Self-Love.

Hi, I’m Lara—an emotional intelligence life coach, self-care expert, and vintage yoga teacher dedicated to guiding women to let go of past emotional pain that prevents them from living their best life.

If you’re ready to chat about how releasing emotional baggage or coaching can transform your life, I invite you to book a complimentary 30-minute call with me. Let’s chat about how I can support you on this transformative journey.

I never consciously decided to stop critical self-talk I experienced; it simply wasn’t discussed back then. One day, I realized I could think any thought I want, and that blew my mind. I began exploring my thoughts, uncovering patterns, beliefs, and their origins. As I became more aware, I saw how my negative self-talk affected my life. I felt unworthy, not smart or good enough, not fit enough, second guessed myself and compared myself to everyone.  I started practicing techniques to change my thinking and feelings, and despite many setbacks, I persevered. Now, I use proven techniques to eliminate critical self-talk, and I am so excited to know how to show you how to do the same.

“No one is you and that is your superpower”

Want to know how I know for sure that change is possible? Awesome! I share my story, my lowest point and journey to feeling empowered here:

Lara is truly a gifted individual! I am so happy to have found her. I resonated immediately with the work she is doing.
I have been working with Lara now for many months and have had such great experiences and results.
I highly recommend Lara! ~ Barb

Please read more about me here.
Visit my Work With Me page to learn about my services. Or you can book your session(s) here.
I offer a 30 minute free consultation call where we can connect and see if we are a fit.