Feeling better thoughts deliver what you want



Today I want to share with you my experience of choosing to feel better. I have been listening to Abraham Hicks lately and I love all of her teachings because I find that when I apply them, they really work.

The main practice that I am applying to my work life right now is choosing to feel better. The teaching encourages us to reach for a better feeling thought when we may not be feeling very good about some aspect in our lives.  For example work has been a little quiet for me over the past 2 weeks, I am a Bio Energy practitioner and healer and while I have clients booked and coming in for sessions, the consistency still ebbs and flows as my business builds.  I do not feel bad when some days are quiet but what I took from the Abraham teachings is choosing my point of focus on purpose to create even better results. So I have been saying to myself  some of the following “I love giving sessions, my clients always share with me how good they feel after each session, I am getting busier all the time, I feel so good when I give sessions, my work is so rewarding, I apply my own healing experiences to help my clients over come their struggles and that feels so good” and so on. So as you can see, I am deciding to think these positive thoughts on purpose and what I am finding is that as I go through this process I am feeling way happier (than I already do) all day long and coming up with new ways to share about the work that I do and people are responding to me and my work and I am getting busier! YAY!

Everything is energy and what we focus on we will experience more of.  So it’s vital to understand that I could be focusing on ‘how quiet my work is’ OR I could focus on ‘how I am wanting my work to get busier’ both are points of focus, what is important to comprehend is the ‘kind’ of momentum I am giving to each depending on the nature of my thoughts about them.

So you always want to be thinking and keeping your focus on what you want only and having internal dialogue about that will shift your emotional feeling realm and bring you into a happier place where all that you desire will begin to unfold and become your reality.  The reason feeling happier brings more of what you want is because when you are feeling good, you are open, in a place of receiving.  When you are not feeling good you are holding a pattern of resistance (energy block) which keeps what you want continually out of your realm of receiving it.

Hope this has brought some value to some area of your life 🙂 If you have any questions or comments I would love to hear from you in the comments section of my blog.

Thanks for reading, happy manifesting!

Lara Catherine.

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