Your Soul’s Profile


Akashic Records Readings with Lara Catherine

A soul’s profile contains the characteristics of how the divine created you. It also includes how your soul is primarily gifted which reveals what you are really good at and will be most abundant doing in your career. Each Soul was created by the divine with gifts that allow the divine to express itself through you. I have been working within the healing modality Soul Realignment since last May and a week ago I did my own Soul Profile. I will share here with you what my own reading revealed to give you an idea about how this kind of work can benefit you. 

First I will preface, there are 8 Energy Centres and each of us is gifted in 1 or sometimes 2 energy centres. Our main gifts will take up approximately 50-60% of our Divine Soul Blueprint. Our Soul Blueprint makes up who we are at soul level. Our Divine gifts never change.

My Soul Profile revealed that I am primarily gifted in Divine Communication which is the domain of self expression, authenticity, the teacher, the written and spoken word. I need to be speaking or writing in my work and expressing my unique perspective publicly. I am a natural channeller and need to be communicating with one person, a group or many through writing or speaking. The fifth energy centre is all about sharing authentically from my own experience and sharing my point of view with an audience who wants to hear it. 

Now…every energy centre has a negative polarity, for example, I love to write, I have over 32 journals in my bookcase, if I were to continue to write and never publish anything to an audience, then I would remain in the negative polarity of my gift OR if I am speaking to an audience that doesn’t want to hear what I have to say I would have to change that.  I was created to express to an audience through writing or speaking, so that is what I need to do. If I write just for me alone then no one benefits from my gift and that is why the Universe gives us these gifts, so it can express and experience itself through us and so others can benefit. Make sense? In addition to being gifted in divine communication I also have an additional activation at my 6th energy centre which gives me heightened intuitive abilities. 

The next part of a Soul Profile session reveals the characteristics our Soul. I really identified with what showed up for me. The characteristics of my Soul are: I love lots of space, I enjoy spending time on my own and in nature, I sometimes struggle with how practical the planet is. I am expansive and non-judgemental which allows me to be good at doing healing work…(that’s cool, since that is what I do) and allows others to feel comfortable sharing anything with me because they feel they will not be judged (very true)!!!

I hold an energetic clear space for others. Because I am energetically quiet and neutral, people tend to see themselves very clearly when they are around me. I am warm hearted but because of my neutrality I can come across to some as detached, dispassionate, aloof or uncaring. That last sentence has been a highlighted experience my whole life and many times it has been very painful. What happens when people expect us to act how they would prefer or when they do not understand why we are the way we are, they blame us. I have been on the receiving end of many berating comments. I am sharing this information about myself incase you can relate. Understanding more deeply who you are at soul level can feel really supportive and help you embrace who you are even more. 

Have you ever wondered: why am I like this? Why do I always feel this way in certain situations? What am I really good at? What would I love to do? What are my gifts? A soul profile session reveals your divine gifts along with the negative and positive aspects of your gift so that you know how to be as aligned with your gift as possible. When you are in complete alignment with your gifts you are most happy, creative and abundant. 

 A soul profile session is great to do for your kids because then you can raise them according to their gifts and you can understand who they are at Soul level. 

A Soul’s profile is accessed via the Akashic Records. You can think of the records like an energetic data base or cloud that holds a file of every Soul’s experience for all time. Every Soul has its own record.  The Akashic records are located within the 5th dimension. I am still working to complete the full description about Soul Profile + Soul Realignment sessions for my website, but there is a short additional description on Book a Session 

Hope you enjoyed this post and now you know me a little better too! I’m here if you have any questions.

Spots are starting to fill up for my yoga retreat I am co-hosting Radiate + Replenish, if you’re in need of a get away, love to travel, looking for some down time or time and fun with like minded peeps, check out our retreat on my website. This one will be in La Paz, Baja Mexico, on the Sea of Cortez February 22-29.2020 Double occupancy rooms are still available. This is an ALL levels Vinyasa + Yin yoga retreat.

Casa Tara RADIATE and REPLENISH Retreat

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