It’s time to move


When you have a continual stream of reasons and excuses for why you cannot do ‘whatever’ you will have no results in your life, nothing in your daily experience will change.  Excuses and reasons are what stand between you and what you want.  Last week I met with a friend who told me that if he ends up on disability due to an old injury, then he has a great idea for a new job he will pursue from home.  As I listened to him speak, I watched him light up, he was so inspired and excited about the prospect and ideas he already had thought about.  Best of all, my friend and I have often had conversations about his passion and how he could share his knowledge with the world and now he was telling me all about his idea to do so.  At the end of a great charged up chat, he says “well, we’ll see what happens though.”  In that moment, the charge of energy I felt from him previously, dissolved in an instant.  That sentence at the end of any conversation drops the energy, the intent and support from the Universe, those words are you giving your power away.  If you want to do things in this world, you must nurture them, stand behind them and support them every step into fruition.

Choosing to take new action and leaving behind old patterns can be scary for sure, but once you do, you will see how much energy you have, how much better you feel and how much more exciting your life can be. ‘Waiting and seeing’ at the core is noncommittal, lacks confidence and is the reason you have not so far created the life you want.  I understand not feeling super confident about something I want to do, I have felt that way so many times in my life when I wanted to do something new.  I promise you, if you feel a pull inside you to do something and are willing to listen and trust it, then you will be supported, by the Universe and by those around you.  Share your idea with those close to you and even with strangers you meet if it naturally arises, I mean, that does happen and that is a sign too, you meet a person seemingly by chance and they say something that totally brings your idea to mind, that is the Universe letting you know, you are on the right path.  If you feel super revved up and passionate about something, act on it today, make notes, set it up, get moving, how much more exciting would your life be if you were doing what you love to do each day?

For me writing is amazing, I get to be at home or travelling and write, I love it!  Same with my Bio Energy healing work I do and my yoga teaching.  I feel fulfilled and grateful everyday that I continue to listen to how I feel and act on it.  What is so crazy to me about reasons and excuses is that they are like lies and we allow ourselves to believe in when all they do the whole time is take us out and keep us from reaching our goals.  If you can become aware of the next time you tell someone or yourself why you cannot do something right now, question it, ask yourself why not?   A new list may quickly be created by your mind of why nots and I challenge you to question them all, refuse to let them sway you. What will happen next is that because you are challenging your old conditioned way of doing things, you are now releasing old energy which makes space for a new way of being, acting, living.  Now…next thing you know, you will be coming up with all the new ways you can accomplish and reach your goals and they will flow in and carry you to new heights and places of growth and manifestation. Time is not stopping for you, you know it’s not, it’s time to move.

About Lara Catherine

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