Change your beliefs with Mirror work


Hi everybody, hope you are having a great day!

Leaving off from my last blog post I wanted to share today about mirror work, a very, very potent practice that has the power to heal all areas of our lives including deep traumatic wounds. If you have some part of your life you wish to improve or change then including mirror work into your daily spiritual practice is great fuel.

I learned mirror work from Louise L. Hay, she introduced it to us all in her book You Can Heal Your Life.

In Louise’ words: “Mirror work is the most effective method I’ve found for learning to love yourself and see the world as a safe and loving place. Whatever we say or think is an affirmation. All of your self-talk, the dialogue in your head, is a stream of affirmations. Positive affirmations plant healing thoughts and ideas that support you in developing self-confidence and self esteem, and creating peace of mind and inner joy. The most powerful affirmations are those you say out loud when you are in front of your mirror.”

Mirror work IS work. Just like any spiritual practice that you do, you need to commit to it and go through the uncomfortable bits to find the abundant healing possible. Mirror work has had the biggest impact on my healing process than any other practice I’ve ever done, and I have committee to a multitude of practices over many years now.

You might be wondering “how do I know if I would need to do mirror work?”… For myself the reason I tried mirror work was because I came to a point in my life where I noticed I had a lot of drama going on. By drama I mean in the form of my behaviours, complaining about everything, making excuses, needing others to be different so I would be happier. I didn’t feel deeply happy or content and I wanted to get there very much. I had a vague feeling that I could change something in my life to improve it and become happier, but I didn’t know how to do that. If you just want to feel happier, lighter or more positive then you can do mirror work.

Mirrors reflect back to you the feelings you have about yourself. When you begin to do mirror work you can really quickly see any resistance you have as well as negative thoughts you have about yourself, now you know you have work to do and that you can change how you think and feel and therefore change your life.

How to do Mirror work:
Baby steps are best for starters. Every morning at some point spend a few moments in front of a mirror. It may be when you are brushing your teeth, before you wash your face or to close your morning routine practices after mediation. Look directly into your eyes and say out loud using your name “I love you (your name) so much, I love and approve of you exactly the way you are right now”. Other options if you are not feeling too cuddly with yourself yet are simply “ I love you” “you are doing your best and your best is good enough” “I support you” “you’re doing well” “you’re doing good” “you’re doing better than yesterday and that’s great” “everything is working out for me” I could go on and on. Okay so whatever statement you choose repeat it 10 times minimum. If that’s too much, do what you feel you can. Eventually you want to build on the time you spend in the mirror to like 1 minute. You can speak a lot of positive words to yourself in 1 minute. Feel free to keep the conversation going as well rather than saying the same affirmation repeatedly.

You may feel funny speaking to yourself in the mirror, you may not be able to look yourself in the mirror and if that’s the case you still want to sit or stand there and say some of these affirmations until you can lift your head and look yourself in the eye. When I first started mirror work, I bawled in front of myself for at least a few days or weeks, it’s was mentally challenging to say the least and emotionally painful and draining. After a few months I really started to feel much better about myself. Along side mediation, yoga practice and other wisdom practices, I felt very old emotional and mental structures dissolve from my body, heart and mind. I started to feel free and like I actually had some power over my daily experience and interactions with others.

Above all, mirror work taught me that I can change my beliefs, beliefs are just a thought we keep thinking and they can be changed. When you learn to change your thoughts you can manifest all of your dreams and desires, it’s beautiful work.

Lastly, like anything, mirror work only works if you do the work. It requires your commitment every single day for 5 seconds to 1 minute. As far as how long do you do this practice? I would say forever, as long as you live because it feels so good and it works.

Hope this is helpful in some way to you, please leave me a message if you have any questions!

to your healing,


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