At Christmas time you need this most…

Happy holidays everybody! I hope you are all enjoying your holiday season…

Are you enjoying the build up to Christmas this year? I know I am and I’m also feeling organized this year too which really helps.  Even though I am feeling pretty excited and ready, I am still having thoughts that are questioning “what else can, should or needs to be done?”.  In addition to my work and exercise routines, my social life is also getting a bit full. Christmas may be one of the busiest times of year, there is so much more mental activity going on too right? Friends and family are curious “what are you doing this year? where are you going? why are you going there? etc.  More of everything is happening, more food and beverages, more talking, more travelling, more mental activity, more emotions, my physical movement…  Which all adds up to more energy being put out, which may leave us feeling depleted and sometimes a little stressed out.

BALANCE is needed. What makes you feel balanced?

IF… you have a daily spiritual practice, meditation, yoga, chi gong, martial arts, gratitude, writing or anything else, keep it up, chances are you need it more than ever right now. I can only speak for myself, so I will tell you this. I have been very tempted at times over the years to give up my meditation practice when life became challenging or super busy.  When I have given up my meditation practice even for a day or longer, I would begin to feel disconnected as though the glue that held my world together was melting away.  At one point in my life I decided that ‘thinking and talking’ about my problems was my only way out, what have I learned now? what I think and speak about creates more of what I am thinking  and speaking about, that was a tough one to get over.  I don’t know about you but for me when I stop doing what makes me feel so good everyday mentally, emotionally and spiritually, my life becomes very difficult to manage. I can see now as I look back that I needed to learn that so that I would never do it again, unless I wanted to live day in and day out with of a lot of reaction and irritation.

I am going to guess that if you have a daily or weekly spiritual practice that you have it and keep it up for how it makes you feel.  For me my practice makes me feel really good, it brings clarity to my mind, it relaxes me, I feel balanced and focused when I keep it up and I really enjoy feeling that way.  Determine how your practices make you feel and if they are working for you, you will probably feel quite happy and excited when you think of the benefits they bring you.  So my question to you is this “why give it up? is feeling stressed, unclear and irritated worth it? It’s not to say that you may not experience these emotions, but you are far less likely to go through them if you set up your day in a way that brings you peace, balance and clarity. Remember, we practice for our own and others’ benefit.


Nothing…is more important than your connection between you and your inner being or higher self and things that make you feel really good, so make time for it and keep it up during the busiest times of your life and you will manouver through them with much more ease, lightness, happiness and clarity. You can always wake up even just 5 minutes earlier and squeeze in 5-10 minutes of some practice that makes you feel good and that is all it takes to get your mind and heart off on the right foot.

About Lara Catherine



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