How to effectively walk down your healing path

Hello everyone, I hope this post finds you all well,

in this blog I am going to address when we might start to look for a healing path, what is a healing path and how to walk down it effectively.

It can feel really scary to start feeling tired, lethargic, depressed or stuck in some area of our lives seemingly out of the blue or perhaps long term for some. In my healing practice I see a lot of new clients who often comment:

 “I don’t know where to begin” – and so I felt inspired to address that direction some of you may be seeking, here.

For those of us who look for healing assistance to create change in our lives it’s usually because we’ve become aware of how we are feeling and we don’t like it/desire to shift it. Maybe you feel some pain in your body that seemed to creep up for no apparent reason.  Perhaps you feel depressed or just unable to become happy and feel that way more of the time. You may have suffered injury from an accident or have deep emotional trauma from some point in your life. When all of the above and much more begin to rise to the surface of our awareness we usually start to feel ready for a change. 

What I am going to share next is purely based on my own experience which I had to go through and now enables me to share it with you or anyone feeling a little lost. 

First of all, when you notice you are feeling out of sorts and desire change in your life – remember  that whatever you are experiencing is coming from within. So the place to look is inside – this is not so easy for everyone to do. What works really well is to first acknowledge you want to create change. I would advise that before you take your first step you sit quietly and close your eyes and spend some time/days, weeks everyday for a few minutes and ask your body what healing modality would serve you best? If you ask that question, mean it and have complete faith, the answer will come. The answer may come via a friend sharing something with you, a conversation you overhear, or just within your own thoughts and trust me, you will know when that is the right answer for you. You can save yourself a ton of time meditating first on asking your body this question. Depending on what you are experiencing you may take a trip to your DR or Homeopathic DR – and you can also meditate on what they suggest to you. I have loads of clients who come in and tell me they have tried everything before they came to me. My feeling is that people ask their Doctor or friend what they suggest they do to heal – and they do not consider very deeply how that answer sits with them. But it’s vital to listen to your body because your body knows how to heal itself and the way you feel is your body communicating with you. 

I recommend natural healing modalities because our cells are pure consciousness, they constantly communicate with all other cells, organs, our blood, the comprehensive energy systems and innately know how to heal the body.  While I agree there is a time and place for medications, it’s very important to seek out a natural healing replacement ASAP so that you can support your body in a natural way that it will be able to deal with. 

It is common knowledge that pharmaceutical drugs include unnatural and harmful ingredients that the body does not recognize – therefore prolonged use of any man made drug will first affect the health of our Liver and Kidneys and from there weaken our bodies natural instinct to heal itself. Drugs commonly include if not all, some of the following unnatural ingredients: binders, coatings, dyes (for colour) sugars  (often butter or other lactose), fillers, artificial ingredients, starch, calcium salts and much more – and this information is most often not disclosed on the label. 

There are many natural healing options available and here’s a list of a some to choose from if you are feeling lost -you can google and read about any of these options and see which ones resonate with you most:

Bio energy healing





The Emotion Code

The Body Code 

Cleansing your body via diet


Seeing a shaman 

Bio feed back

Yoga practices

Breathing practices

Meditations guided or silent

Tapping – EFT


workshops/retreats that inspire you and have a theme that speaks to you

To walk down your healing path effectively, your commitment is required. When you find some kind of personal work to do from the list above or otherwise, spend some time with it. When we feel we need to make changes in our lives we have usually lived a little by that point. Year after year we have various experiences that cause the energy in our bodies to become blocked or stuck in some areas and it takes time to release that blocked energy from your body so that you feel better again. 

Here are some examples of my healing path over the course of many years:
I have been writing in a journal about my life experience since I was 15, I travelled the world and unravelled a ton of my past through spending hours every day writing. I felt inspired to practice yoga in 1997/98 and listened to my body because I felt SO GOOD and I went 5 days per week for a year or so, then I began to teach yoga. Over additional years I began to cleanse my body with liver and juicing cleanses, I did a lot of thai and regular massage as well as reiki when I spent a lot of time in Thailand. I attended silent mediation retreats, kept writing all the while, began to meditate, read a lot of books and listened to 100’s of hours of spiritual teachers who I resonated with. 

I have found that what works well when it comes to healing is listening to your body and committing to maybe a couple of healing options until you feel ready to move on – and you will know when it’s time to move on.  Be gentle with yourself, trust yourself and try to have some fun as often as you can. 

This really is a loaded topic and I would like to leave you with this encouraging statement – your body is made of energy, energy flows through your meridians and cells and is meant to flow in tiny figure 8 patterns – when that flow is interrupted imbalance and illness start to set in. During my continued studies with master healer Donna Eden, I have learned that in her experience of treating over 10,000 clients over 4 decades – the root cause of illness is due to whether our energy is flowing or not. When I say the energy flowing in our body, I do not only mean our physical body, I am also referring to our mental, emotional and spiritual bodies – all play a role and need to be tended too for ultimate health and wellbeing. In my next blog I will discuss our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. 

Thanks everyone for hanging in there, I know this was a long one. Anyone seeking the ultimate ‘get away’ to disconnect, relax and refresh, please check out my fall 7 day retreat I will be offering October 27-November 3. 2018 in the Rivera Tulum, Mexico – beach front yoga studio spa. 

Riviera Tulum Retreat


My retreat will include daily:

~Energy exercises to train your bodies energy to flow in it’s natural figure 8 patterns


~yin yoga

~flow yoga

~workshops on clearing out mental conditioning that holds us back and planting new positive thinking patterns

Here’s the link to register or read the full details: Riviera Tulum Retreat

Till next time, Lara

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