The power of releasing trapped emotions

Yesterday I worked with a client on a phone session doing Emotion Code (releasing trapped emotions from the body). She had a question that I want to share with you and the answer will bring further insight into this powerful work. 

To put it into perspective, in an Emotion Code session it’s not uncommon to release 20-30 trapped emotions per session, sometimes more.  Yesterday, near the beginning of the session, right after I released a trapped emotion, this client asked me “is that trapped emotion tied in with what I am experiencing right now in my life?”.  This is a great question, one that led to this blog post. First of all, when I release trapped emotions from your body, I am tuned into you energetically AND I am receiving this information from your subconscious mind via muscle testing. Your subconscious mind knows every experience you’ve had.  In each session, based on my clients’ preference I will either ask at what age a trapped emotion occurred or not.  Clearly, when we know what age an emotion occurred, the client can review their past if they want and tie that emotion to an event they experienced, mind you that is not at all necessary to release it, but it is interesting and telling and most clients like this process. Other times, when we find a trapped emotion, we don’t need to know more about it, so in that case, we simply release it without further question. This is what happened yesterday with my phone client, we found an emotion to release but did not need to know more about it (like the age it occurred)  and then she asked “does that emotion tie in with my current experience”.   What I want to share with you here is that all trapped emotions contribute to how you are feeling today. If we do not need to know the age an emotion became embedded in some area of the body then that emotion definitely originated in this current incarnation. We can find out if am emotion is tied to a specific experience by simply asking but most often I find that clients will know what an emotion is tied too or not. Some people, like myself know they had specific experiences in their lives that were tough, but they do not remember the ages they occurred exactly and that is very common and okay too. 

It is also possible to have past life, prenatal and inherited trapped emotions surface in a session. We carry our past experience with us until we release it, this is why energy healing is so readily available at this time in our evolution, because we need it to expand our consciousness. Everything is energy, this includes our emotions. Every emotion has a frequency to it. For example:  you could have 370 trapped emotions of sadness in your body, this means that every time you feel sadness, it is not particularly due to what you are currently experiencing, it’s more that when you feel the emotion of sadness because of something happening now, you are activating and therefore amplifying ALL the other trapped emotions of sadness you’ve ever experienced. Trapped emotions or past experience held in your body, distort the flow of energy in your body. Every time you release trapped emotions from your body, you have let go of some of your past and you are servicing the energy in your body to flow more freely. Because all emotions have a frequency to them, you literally raise your vibration the more you release. To conclude and I hope it’s clear by now, every trapped emotion contributes to how you are feeling today. Where this work really shines (after you’ve done some sessions) is when you encounter a challenging experience and you notice yourself not feeling so triggered or reactionary, or you notice that your way of coping has shifted. This work, like all other styles of healing, have a cumulative effect. As always, when I write about this modality and healing in general, I have so much more I want to share. If you have questions about this work or healing in general, please feel free to email me to:

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