Your own daily practice

abendstimmung_romance_sky_232077Cultivating a daily practice, put bluntly, is about choosing to do something for yourself, and for the further development of your own growth, every day. If you have never had a daily practice of some sort, then choosing one thing you will focus on each day when you wake, is a great place to start. Examples are: writing 5 things you are grateful for everyday,or sitting and speaking out loud or to yourself the 5 things you are grateful for. Sitting in stillness for 5-10 minutes, focusing on your breath, choosing a positive emotion you would like to feel more of in your life, can be a daily practice. Choose something that feels right for you, that resonates with you and an amount of time that feels like a commitment you are willing to give to yourself.

In the big picture of life, we are here to wake up to the human experience we are having, to live, love and move through this life with awareness. Creating a daily practice is something you choose to do for yourself and in doing so, the benefits of your practice will also benefit those around you in your life, so ultimately you do it for the good of all your relationships and encounters with all people you meet and see each day. For years I have woken up and said “today is a great day, because I choose to make it so”, this comment is me choosing the kind of day I want to experience, I am setting up my emotional and mental tone to be great from the get go and most of all, I am deciding what is possible for me to experience today, regardless of what may unfold that is out of my hands. It has long been my belief that we each are the creator of our own life, where we are today, what we experience on this day, is all our own doing. IF…you are not completely happy with how you feel, what you see and the contents of your daily life, then thinking about what you’d like to change and creating a daily practice that works to shift and change things for you, is a very powerful choice to make.

Nothing we want to change in our daily experience can change, until we choose new ways to be, act and speak. Intentions are also very powerful and I will write more about them in another post. For now, I will say, your daily practice begins with having the intention to create a change in your life, once you decide what you want to change, your intention is the support that will give you the power to follow through and take action and then watch and feel your life begin to move in your desired direction.

Her world, my blog

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