Doing what feels better



I really feel compelled to write today about what we do with how we feel around the people in our lives.

Over coffee with friends today we were sharing about our latest news.  I find that as I listen to various conversations over a couple of week period of time, there is always a ‘theme’ going on and more importantly I am hearing  about what happens to be going on for myself, because after all, I people my world and my world is my mirror.

As we went around the table I kept hearing the same message “I don’t feel like spending time around him or her”.   Do you continue to spend time with friends and family that you’d prefer not too, feel that you should  or feel guilty about feeling this way?  How you feel is everything, we are vibrational energetic beings and how we feel is very valuable if not the most important part of our lives and we need to listen to it for our ultimate well being and happiness.  The reason we do not feel drawn to be around certain people is because on the surface we have opposing  beliefs and manage our lives  differently.  On the deeper level, we are vibrating at different frequencies and our feelings are what show us what and who we are aligned with and who and what we are not.

If you do not feel excited about seeing some people or attending particular events, then don’t go.  If you do not feel good about something and you do it anyways you are now causing stress in your body, heart and mind.  Someone close to me recently suggested that I do something that does not feel good for me because they believe ‘that’s just what you have to do in this life’.  I full heartedly disagree. Others may choose this path, that’s a choice we all have, at the end of the day and it’s a short day here, feeling good, feeling happy and making choices that bring you joy and happiness is why you are here.

We have all felt judged, ignored and spoken to inappropriately by those we are close to at some point in time.  For myself as I have continued to deepen my studies and practices around my spiritual self and roots, I have come to believe with all of my heart that those who do not ‘ gel with me’ or who ‘point’ their finger in blame have merely forgotten who they truly are and how they feel has nothing to do with me.  When their lives end they will return back to their true nature and vibration of love, they will see me with Love and Light and all else will be forgotten.  So…in the meantime, I walk the path that brings me the most joy and send light to those who have not yet found their own.

thank you for reading my blog, it’s a pleasure to share my insights that make my life better, with you,  Lara

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