Longer holds

I received the best compliment the other day when I came in to teach. A student of mine said ” I love your class, they last for at least 3 days.” Wow…I was so touched and moved that she shared with me how she felt. This was wonderful for me to hear also because it reminded me that keeping my students in poses for longer periods of time are why they feel so good after class. Flow and power classes are wonderful for strengthening the body and moving energy and spending time in poses during traditional hatha style practice will bring more opening and more deeply stimulate the central nervous system, leaving you feeling well relaxed in your body, heart and mind. I’d like to say to anyone knew to teaching, don’t be afraid to keep your students in longer holds, like 15 breath or 2 minutes, not for every asana, but for many in each class, that is just fine. You will attract students to your class, who will come for you because your way of teaching resonates with them. Take in the teachings you learn from your own teachers and then continue to study and practice as much as possible and teach what your time on the mat teaches you.

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