Energetic Alignment: How to Call in What You desire for the Year Ahead

Happy New Year to you all,

In this post I”ll share the steps I am taking this year not only to call in but maintain energetic alignment with my desires for 2025.

First off, a few years back I decided to replace the word “want” with “desire”. After reading Conversations with God, I learned that when we say we want something, it keeps us stuck in “wanting”, because the Universe always says “yes” to whatever we ask for. Example if we say “I want more money” the Universe responds “yes you do want more money”. Get it? “wanting” is what we end up receiving and that cycle is not fun. Trust me, I lived there for a LONG TIME.

I have shared with many of you Tara Arnolds YouTube Channel. She channels Ascended Master St. Germain, as well as others. Each month she puts out an energy update and also shares channellings often at the exact perfect time that we really need to hear that message. In a recent video Tara channelled the message that – when we ask for something we are coming from a place of lack. In essence we are “forgetting” that everything in the Universe exists in the now and it is up to us to reach into the infinite realm of possibility and choose for ourselves what we wish to experience now in our life.

When you call in what you desire to experience in your life, you are calling in an energy. If you commit each day to spending a little time feeling that energy, it will begin to flow into what you think, say and do, how you show up, how you feel.

The steps I took and am still taking (because at this point in the year, January 3, I am writing daily about this energy) are the following:

I sat down and wrote for 30 minutes with a timer on, just words, whatever came to mind. This process will get rid of excess mental clutter that keeps you from being clear. After about 15 minutes of dumping, I began to channel, this can happen for us all and I have been writing this way for years. The Universe seems to take over and answer my questions, it’s super cool and one of my favourite daily practices. Once I began to channel, I just kept writing for about 2 hours. I was in the flow, asking questions, all the while getting more and more clear on what I wanted.

The next day, I wrote for another couple hours. Through my writing I discovered that even though I had so many experiences I was really pleased about last year: I was busier than ever with EFT Tapping, Emotion Code and Coaching clients, started a new Coaching business, had massive breakthroughs within myself with the help of Tapping & released a lot of old trauma….I was living in a state of survival.

Survival in the way it felt for me was multi-layered and those details are not important to share here. What occurred after those hours of writing was a new energy I decided to experience. And that energy was undoubtedly “THRIVE”. It makes me smile to write it down and I can literally feel my heart open, so I know I am on the right track.

My suggestions are to write for 30 minutes with a timer on, the words do not have to make sense, just write what is in your head and when you have no words, write that “I have no words”, keep going, ask your questions, see what happens. Through your writing decide what energy you want to experience in your life this year. What would your life look and feel like with that energy present in your thoughts, words and actions?

Once you are clear on the energy you choose to call in, write it down. For me I wrote “I intend to call in the energy of thriving”. I wrote down how that would feel in my life and while I did, I allowed myself to feel empowered, knowing that this IS my choice, I am here to experience whatever I desire, that is why I am here. Then I went to my alter and sat and out loud declared to the Universe “Universe I know exactly what I desire for 2025, I am calling in the energy of thriving and I intend to experience this energy in these areas of my life” I listed them all off, finishing with, as always “and Universe I am open to your plan, if it’s better than mine!!”

Next I wrote down about 12 words or short phrases that were in the same energy as thrive, like little reminders of what I wish to feel more of this year and I placed that list on my alter.

When I meditate each morning, I read my list and while I mediate I bring the word “thrive” to my mind and just let it roll over in my mind, I feel the energy of it seep into my cells, my heart and being. And that is how I intend to maintain energetic alignment with my intentions for 2025.

I cannot sign off before answering this question that I am guessing some of you might have, because I know I did for years. If I am anything, it is thorough. Here we go…sometimes when we desire to create change in our lives, there is a voice in our head that says “oh no you don’t, you can’t do that, who do you think you are?” Sound familiar?

What I do when this voice arises is use EFT Tapping to dissolve that voice. EFT Tapping works by calming the amygdala, the brain’s stress center, and reducing cortisol levels, which are linked to fear and negative emotions. By tapping on specific acupressure points while focusing on the inner critical voice, it interrupts the stress response and rewires neural pathways, allowing for (because we “tap it in”) a more compassionate and positive inner dialogue.

So if you happen to struggle with creating change this year due to the voice in your head, you know I am here to work with you 1:1 with EFT Tapping sessions. Alternatively, in my Foundations of Self-Love Coaching Program, we pretty much go through the above process and use EFT for about 75% of the program so you can make big shifts. Next small group (4-5 women tops) program starts on January 22nd, every Wednesday 7-8pm PST on Zoom for 10 weeks. I have 2 spots left for this upcoming round. If you’d like to find out more about this program, book a complimentary 30 minute call and I will answer all your questions.

Wishing you all the very best for a transformative 2025. Lara đź©·

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