Practice comes first

We choose a practice after we have tried it once. Whatever it may be, a daily gratitude practice, sitting meditation, writing, yoga, reading a spiritual passage from a book, a few particular exercises. There are so many forms of practice and I will share about them in a post of their own after this one. Whatever improves how we feel and opens our eyes, has the power to change our lives for the better if we continue to commit to them. As I write this I realize I have had so many practices and in all honesty, some you may do for a time and they will serve a purpose and some you will keep by your side forever. At various stages of our spiritual awakening process there will be great practices that will help us through and I feel it is vital to continue with them until we feel we are ready to move into a deeper practice, this is how we will evolve steadily. You can feel when it’s time to move on and let go and being grateful for the practice and where it brought you too is always lovely to acknowledge. My predominant practices are writing, for over 23 years along side yoga and zen meditation which came in about 16 years ago, both have been a constant support to me.

What I want most to share here today about a daily practice is the potency of power and inner strength it will build in you when you commit to turn towards it every day. I write these words with so much gratitude for my own practices and towards myself for my commitment to them. You want to create change in your life, we all do, we all want to let go of some shitty attitude we have, some pain, some struggle and your practice is the doorway to living and experiencing a way happier, authentic life. If you find a practice that works for you, then stick with it and when 6 months passes and you feel like taking a day or two off, DONT’ DO IT, Commit and go through your practice anyways. If you feel you are ready to choose another practice that will take you deeper then great, but be sure you are not just bored, it’s so easy to go onto something ‘new’ and then as we all know, 6 months in, it’s boring, that is a state of mind you can shift, go deeper, be curious, ask yourself, “what if I stick with this practice for 1 more month?” and do it and find out for your self. Above all, DO NOT ABANDON YOUR PRACTICE, because a last minute work thing or plan showed up, no no no, you do not choose that other thing over your practice! EVER. You wake up earlier so that you can do your practice because you honour your practice and the gifts it brings, this is a spiritual commitment to your higher self, you are connecting with that which you are apart of and conspiring a more fulfilling, loving, conscious life…MAKE TIME to practice. When life goes sideways, your turn towards your practice, you have chosen your practice to carry you through the sticky bits in life that we will all encounter. If you wish to build inner strength and feel like the warrior and or warrior goddess you know you long to be, then you must choose a practice for yourself, for you alone. Excuses and reasons within your mind are taking yourself out and giving your energy to the detail of the day, one thing you are doing and that is an easy way out, an easy way to slip into giving up your practice and you’ll feel the difference and when you do, you will, I hope remember to put your practice first. If you found value in this blog post, I would love it if you would share it with anyone you feel would benefit.  Thanks so much, Lara

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