“I’m so busy”
“Sorry…I’m so busy right now, she is so busy right now”.
When people do not choose to make the time to return a phone call, email or text, this has become the new saying, I wonder if people think about it before the words come out, it seems automatic and like that one statement should be an acceptable reason for not taking responsibility for your relationships and the health of them.
Over brunch last weekend with a friend after I’d told her I had not heard any reply from a friend for 6 months after a couple of attempts to reach them she said to me “well you aren’t going to let that affect your relationship are you?” What??? what relationship? I said “there is no relationship if they are not in touch with me, if I can’t reach them, I am not going to spend my time chasing them when clearly do not want to be in touch. I am so tired of people making excuses for themselves and others by saying “they are, we are, I am so busy”. The truth is closer than you think and obvious, and it’s not personal either, if someone wanted to call or be in touch, they would be period. We always do what we most want to do, what pulls us the most. If you are too busy to be in touch with family and friends then as far as I am concerned your life is totally unmanageable, life is not meant to be some race, no wonder people are stressed out and not sleeping and full of anxiety. I am so bewildered by the this fact that so many people seem to totally give zero of their attention to, it’s mind blowing to me. Next, they wonder why they are not invited to your summer Q or birthday celebration, well when was the last time you showed you cared? Along the same lines and =ally annoying is how texting has begun to replace phone calls, people think it saves time, it does but do you need to do it all the time? are you so busy that you have forgotten how nice it can be to sit and have a relaxing, inspiring conversation with someone? does that even interest you anymore? If you had 3 days left to live, who would you want around you? where would you want to be? what would you want to be doing? These 3 questions were put to my yoga teacher training class 15 years ago by my teacher. I revisit these questions often and they always align me with my integrity of how I want to be living my life and who I want to spend it with.
thanks for reading, I’d love to hear your comments, Lara Catherine