Set up your mind with this daily practice
Today I want to share about ‘setting up your mind’ daily before you get your day started and why I am no longer willing to do anything each morning until I have done this practice. I will list some basic steps to get you started and IF you feel you could improve your now, this moment this day, week, month, year, LIFE then I’m really excited for you to start this practice.
Everything is energy, each time you speak and think you are creating. Because we have control over our thoughts we can begin to choose thoughts that we would prefer to think ahead of time which is great because they might not already be flowing into our minds naturally. The most powerful law of the Universe is the law of attraction, which means that which is liken to it is drawn. This means that whatever we practice thinking about regularly must become our experience which is great news when you are choosing what you want to be creating in your life and not so good when you are not. Law of Attraction ALWAYS bring you MORE of what you are focusing on, no matter how slight or big the thought, feeling or action, that is why if you are feeling crap, upset, angry and we know we will/have/will again, it’s vital to find something new to focus on because once you do, your energy will go to the new thought and the old one will gradually dissolve.
The way to do this daily practice is to find a quiet place once you get up, preferably before you have breakfast, but take a tea or something with you if you like. Choose an amount of time to sit down for, it can be from 5-15 or more minutes, 15 is enough. Note: if you are new to sitting/meditating, I would recommend beginning with just 5 minutes each day for the first week and then 10 minutes the next and 15 the next. Sit somewhere quiet without any distractions, this is important, if you live with other people let them know you are taking 15 minutes to yourself and you’ll be back when you’re done. Do not give up your practice if someone interrupts you by accident just keep going and do not abandon your practice for any reason, get yourself out of bed so that you have the extra 5-15 minutes to do this practice and not feel rushed. If you have a young one only you can care for then you can still do this practice with them or choose to do it when they are napping or if neither of those work, while they are playing just silently create thoughts that feel good for you, even for a few minutes will begin to make a HUGE difference in your day and how you feel emotionally and mentally.
Sit. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths inhaling and exhaling through your nose, relax your belly as you breathe in and out. After a minute or so, choose your first thought, do this by noticing how you feel, for example I often notice that I feel: rested, so I will say in my mind with a smile on my face “hmm, I feel rested”, then add another thought “I feel good” or if you are not feeling great be honest and say something like this: “I’m looking forward to feeling better” then add more “I have felt better before, I know I will again”. If you are not feeling so hot, please just keep adding more thoughts and make each one a bit stronger and more positive than the previous one. The practice here is to keep gradually adding more thoughts that feel good and it will get easier every day and soon, if you continue, it will become super fun!
This time you spend sitting is literally strengthening your mind, confidence and well being, this is very powerful work, it is also preventative for future illness because the energy of the body and cells are affected by what we think about. What you are doing here whether positive thoughts naturally come to you or not, is choosing them and as you choose them you begin to TRAIN YOUR MIND, once you get that ball rolling, the magic really begins. Once you build up to 15 minutes per day, commit to this practice for 3 months, every day and watch how your world changes.
What will happen as you get more fluid with this practice is that through out the day you will begin to naturally choose your thoughts because your morning practicing is now ‘baked in’ and so you won’t be able to help but do that and that is super amazing and it’s really fun. My days get brighter each day that I do this practice and I feel really good most of the time, not always but with this practice I have a strong foundation now and it usually doesn’t take too long to get myself back to where I want to be if I am feeling less than I want to.
I will leave you with an example of how my daily practice looks, so you get the idea.
I sit, take a few deep breaths, smile. I notice how I feel and I say the word or sentence in my mind and then I continue, so the dialogue may look something like this:
“I feel rested, I love my bed it’s so comfortable, I feel good today, I’m excited for today it’s going to be a great day, I’m looking forward to what I have planned today, I love where I live, this is a great place to live, I’m looking forward to working with my clients I have booked in, I know I’m on the right track, I love the work I do, I’m so grateful I have time to write today, I feel really good, today may just be the best day of my life so far, what an awesome thought, I can’t wait to go back to New York City, I love it here, I can’t wait till we live there one day, I feel really good, my body feels good, I love all my organs and bones, my blood and cells are so healthy, my skin is so radiant and my body feels really flexible and healthy, energy is moving through my body easily and effortlessly, I feel really great. ” what I have just shared with you here is the minimum of what I choose to think about when I sit each morning.
Please feel free to leave a comment or email me if you have any questions about this practice. Make it an amazing day! Lara