Let people be

Moksha 1... 294I hear myself and others comment on peoples behaviour on a fairly consistent basis. We may complain about them or express how we feel and once we feel satisfied we either let it go for now or come back to it another day. Here’s the thing, most of the time we return to that same conversation again and again, even the things we say about that person are often the exact same words we used to complain the last time we had this talk. We state that we love this person dearly, and then proceed to spew our opinions about them to someone else and or think about them the same way over and over again, month after month, sometimes even year after year.

I honestly believe that to allow others to be, we first need to become aware of our own behaviour. I can only speak from my own experience. When I become aware of a ‘way I am being’ it is then that I have the power to change, to act, speak or do something differently because now I am aware of it, I have a choice. If I do not see how I am being, acting, speaking, then I am not likely going to change those ways. We will always have ideas of how others can change or improve a situation in their life and it’s good to be aware that they may not see a better way right now or maybe they don’t want to change and ultimately, it’s none of our business.

What I would like to say here today is that once we do become aware of how we speak about others, how about letting them be instead? How about dropping our opinions and giving some energy back to ourselves and in the process learn to hold space for someone else? How about letting someone be who and the way they are without adding our 2 cents? How about considering that our opinions are a combination of our own thoughts and experiences and are about no one else but ourselves? How would that feel? I have to admit, I need to remind myself to let others be and when I do, I feel light and like I can take a deep breath, I feel more energized, more loving, less stress, so much more kind and spacious inside. How about getting out of our heads and into our hearts and letting others just be?

thanks for reading, I would love to hear your thoughts should you chose to share



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