Is your energy flowing?

hello everyone! today I am sharing about the importance of the flow of energy in the body.

Did you know that your energy flows in it’s own natural patterns? In fact down to the tiniest cell your energy flows in little figure 8 patterns. The flow of your energy can easily become blocked or stuck due to: mental or emotional trauma, loss of a loved one, big life changes, accidents, detrimental thought patterns, too much running around, not enough rest, drama, poor diet,  heavy metals, pharmaceutical drugs, and much more. Seems a little scary I know but it’s okay, we have lots of options available to us to get our energy flowing well again.

When our energy flow becomes inhibited you’ll know because your energy levels will likely drop, you may begin to experience mystery pain in your body, feel tired all the time among other things. When the energy flow slows down imbalance and illness often set in. For life to feel good, to live pain free means we must tend to our inner physical body, working out and eating well is just not enough.


You can begin to heal and get your energy flowing again by choosing one or more of the following options:

-juice cleansing or adding 1 or 2 green juice or smoothies to your diet daily, going for massage or reflexology, having energy sessions like Reiki, acupuncture or Bio energy, meditate daily (starting with 5 minutes building up to 20 each morning), go for long walks outside, do breathing practices, practice yoga, write every day. These are just a few options you have available to you, please feel free to email me for any questions you may have about your healing options. And remember: “doing something different creates change, doing the same thing creates more of the same.”

Every spring I offer a SPRING CLEARING PROMOTION which includes 4 – 45 minute sessions where I focus on clearing your mind, heart and entire body ~ the result is having a lot more energy, feeling lighter and more clear to name a few.

Let me know if you have any healing topics you would like me to address and I will happily blog about them here. To your health, Lara

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