Wisdom techniques and practices are very powerful practices that you integrate into your life on a daily basis for a recommended period of time. These practices will uproot and dissolve old beliefs that have held you back and guide you to transition into experiencing the best version of your life possible. Some of these processes I created myself and some I have learned from my respected spiritual teachers. My daily practices have dramatically changed my life and I am forever grateful for them. If your desire to create change in your life is aligned with your willingness to commit to these practices you will discover that redesigning your life in any way that you wish is full of endless possibilities.
Apply Wisdom techniques and Practices to your life to help:
- release negative emotions that cause pain and hold you back
- dissolve any unwanted mental or emotional states such as: depression, lethargy, boredom, negative thinking, uncertainty, insecurities, sadness, grief, anger, anxiety, fear, lack, jealousy etc
- move forward from unhealthy relationships
- heal addictions
- increase mental clarity
- feel better than you do now
- increase confidence
- love yourself (this will change your life)
- to improve any health related issues
- create more energy in your body
- sleep better
- look and feel the best you ever have
- release limiting thought patterns and create the life you want
- find the root cause of whatever is holding you back and to move on for good
Over 16 years I have integrated Wisdom techniques and practices into my life. I have transformed these struggles I used to live with:
- grief due to the loss of very close friends close family members
- addictions
- abandonment issues
- attachment issues
- childhood emotional neglect
- lack of self love and confidence
- depression
- understanding and overcoming past conditioning
- anxiety
- disordered eating
- self loathing
- insecurities
- making decisions that are best for me
- knowing when to walk away from unhealthy relationships whether it be friends, family or intimate
What does a Wisdom techniques and practices session look like?
During a 1 hour session, we will discover the root cause of whatever struggle you are currently experiencing. I will give you a particular practice or practices (in some cases) and teach you how to use them to begin the process of changing your circumstance.
Why did I create Wisdom techniques and practices?
The first answer is because a Bio energy client asked me if I would. The second answer is because life doesn’t have to be a struggle but sometimes it is. And… a daily spiritual practice will support you during each and every life experience with a strength, confidence and sense of deep clarity you may not have otherwise yet cultivated.
As the Buddha said: “suffering is optional.” What that means is that we have a choice at any time to do something different to improve our present moment. I often hear or see people show a deep desire to let go of certain behaviours they dislike in themselves. Behaviours that cause mental and emotional pain and hold them back. It IS possible to create and change our lives, how we communicate and relate with those closest to us. The difference between those who makes those changes and those who do not, is a willingness to do something different. We cannot continue how we have been for so long and expect a different result.
For me, I never knew it was possible to change my life, a behaviour or circumstance; and quite honestly, this is one of the reasons I am offering this service to my clients. When I found out it was possible to stop feeling sad, guilty, angry and mildly depressed it felt amazing, I was shocked and there was now a curiosity in me that was ravenous for more. I felt happier, was less anxious and was much more relaxed. As I continued to devote my time to practicing yoga and becoming a teacher I became exposed to many other daily spiritual practices. Over time I began to integrate various these practices into my life, putting each one to the test to see how it would affect a particular struggle I had at the time. I began to notice my issues gradually dissolving. I would never have known it was possible to let go of so much mental and emotional pain until I applied daily spiritual practices to my life.
I feel grateful for each and every experience I have ever had. Today I continue to be delighted by what is possible when I apply Wisdom techniques and practices to my life. I am deeply inspired to show anyone wishing to release any struggle or issue that when you commit, freedom is possible.