The Emotion Code is an energy based therapy used to easily identify and quickly release trapped emotional energy. Dr. Bradley Nelson developed the Emotion Code over 20 years in practice as a Chiropractor.
Trapped emotions or energies in the body represent the emotional pain we once experienced due to an event or trauma, including ancestral trauma. Trapped emotions that remain in the body block the flow of energy over time and turn into physical mystery pain, illness, addictions, anxiety, depression, panic disorders, cause money blocks, relationship issues and more. The Emotion Code is a very effective healing technique that can address any unresolved issue you may have.
Emotions are forms of energy that while invisible to most human eyes are very real and only felt. You could say that emotions are like the wind, you can feel a breeze but you cannot see it. Emotions can become trapped in the body due to traumatic experiences, child abuse, neglect, stress, unresolved past relationships, loss of a loved one, work issues, injury and much more. Trapped emotions over time distort our tissues causing imbalance, pain and can eventually lead to illness. Additionally, they can cause or contribute to: depression, anxiety, self-sabotage and mystery illnesses. All trapped emotions that are released from the body within a session are permanently released. Emotion Code sessions have a cumulative effect. With each session, you will gradually remove the layers of emotional baggage one at a time. Emotions have their own frequency, therefore more lightness and internal shifts are felt as more emotions are released from the body. While one session can be very effective, it can also stir up additional emotions, so it is recommended to commit to several sessions in row especially if you have an issue you’ve been struggling with for some time. While I am very efficient in releasing many trapped emotions in each session, it is important to know that I ask your subconscious mind many questions about each issue in order to clear the root emotions and this takes time.
Emotion Code for your pet is also available. These sessions are shorter as animals do not carry as many trapped emotions as humans, please email me for a quote or any questions.
Dr. Brad refers to trapped emotions as an invisible epidemic. During an Emotion Code session, I tune into my client and use muscle testing ( a form of Kinesiology) to communicate with the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind knows every experience we have ever had and knows if that experience was resolved or not. I ask a series of questions to find out what trapped emotions have remained in the body and are still holding you back and then I release them. A majority of our limiting beliefs, addictions, disorders, physical pain and all other issues are all due to unresolved experiences and the emotional residue that remains in the body.
FAQ – The Emotion Code
Q – How many sessions do I need?
A – The biggest factor is how much you want to clear and what you believe. Everyone is different in how they approach this work. There can be many aspects of your past experience that contribute to how you are feeling right now or what is going on for you, this takes time to release. I can clear a lot in one session, and my experience has made me quite efficient at this work. We cannot clear your entire past in one session, so at least an initial session plus 3 more is a good start. It is important to understand that unresolved events/emotions are actually considered simple “stuck energy” in the body and when we release stuck energy, we make space and from there deeper layers will come to the surface to be released. Every Thursday I offer 10 minute sessions, where I release what your body is ready to release that day, this is a way for you to try out this work. Read more about it on the booking page.
Q – How will I feel after the session?
A – Every session is different. Majority of clients share that they feel subtle changes and lighter after each session. Some clients feel more profound shifts. It is not uncommon to feel suddenly tired, energized, emotional or nauseous after a session.
Q – When will this issue shift for me?
A – It is good to try to have the understanding that everything is energy, this includes emotions that become lodge/trapped in the body. Each session provides a doorway for you to walk through after but you do need to take those steps, you need to take action. With this work we are dissolving trapped energies that keep issues we have in place and once we have done that, you need to take action to move your energy in the direction you want to go, meaning “I can and am doing this now” OR “this situation (name it) is over for me now”. Your intention to heal, combined with taking action and trusting and believing you can, are all powerful components to moving forward.
Q – What is the process time after a session mean?
A – During each session we release many emotions that may have been lodged in your body for a long time. On the day of your session, the emotions we release are gone for good, they do not come back, although you may have multiple of the same emotion trapped your body from different experiences.
Dr. Brad says that are emotions when trapped the body are the size of a baseball to a cantaloupe, they take up space and distort the natural flow of energy in our bodies. You have a physical body, energetic body, spiritual body, mental body and emotional body. All of these bodies contribute to the whole of who we are and during your process time, these bodies are recalibrating and adjusting to the new flow of energy that we have access to after emotions have been released from the body. The process time is usually less than 7 days. After your process time is over, you may notice a shift in your vibration, either way, you change as a person and how you feel within and to others. The emotions have a frequency of their own and the more we release, the more we raise our vibration.
Q – When can I book another session?
A – After your process time is complete you are welcome to proceed with more sessions. I also recommend listening to your body and or any guidance you get, you will know when it is time to book another session.
The Heart Wall
According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, 93% of people have a heart wall. By nature, everything is pure energy and this includes emotions. A Heart Wall can block the heart energy from flowing through the body and can cause physical symptoms, in the neck, upper back and shoulders. Additionally, a heart wall can block us from giving a receiving love and may cause recurring financial abundance and relationship problems. Heart walls can prevent us from connecting with others and are often the cause behind depression.
Our hearts are vulnerable to emotional events and traumas, such as the loss of a loved one, the ending of a meaningful relationship or any emotional struggle that felt painful for us. Sometimes trapped emotions are created in the body and they can become lodged in the area of the heart building a wall to protect it. When the Heart Wall is removed from the body, the difference is sometimes a subtle yet concrete feeling of lightness. Other times it can be felt more strongly and profoundly.
FAQ – The Heart Wall
Q – What is the heart wall and what does it do?
A – The heart wall is a wall around your heart made of several emotions from past experiences you’ve had that your subconscious mind puts there to protect our heart. When heart walls are removed it can feel subtle or more profound, every one is different. Heart walls affect our relationship status, desires, passions, abundance, work and our ability to give and receive love, being open and such. Many believe that our heart actually has a brain that is much more powerful than our brain in our head. You can have several different kinds of heart walls – from this life, past lives, inherited and more.
Q – How long does it take to clear my heart walls?
A – Generally I can clear a heart wall in about 15 minutes or less.
We cannot release all of our heart walls in one session because it would be too much to process emotionally in one go. When I client wants their heart walls cleared, I ask their subconscious mind at the beginning of the session, how many heart walls the client has and which are most beneficial to release today. Releasing the heart walls are a very vulnerable process which is why I ask first for permission and test to see that it is in your highest good in the moment.
Q – How many heart walls are there?
A – New discoveries are being made all the time. Here are some examples. We can have heart walls, hidden heart walls, heart blocks, ancestral heart walls/blocks, ancestral financial heart walls/blocks, prenatal heart blocks. These cannot be cleared in one session simply because it would be too much for the body to process, but sessions can be split up and clearing heart walls and blocks generally does not take too long.