Why you want to give up thinking and talking about your past

Hey there, happy Tuesday to you! Today I am going to share about revisiting the past and why leaving it there is such a healthy choice for us.

The biggest reason you want to stop talking about your past may be that it no longer exists. It’s true right? It’s not unfolding right now because you are reading these words right now. Only one thing can take up one space at a time and this moment is your one and only present moment, where all possibilities exist, this inhale, this exhale.  When you think about a past situation, what happens is that an old thought pattern is resurfacing.  Unless you catch this repetitive thought as it shows up, it will become the main object of your attention and now this thought has ‘taken you over’.  You will remain ‘trapped’ so to speak although that isn’t far from the truth in your mind for as long as you allow this old thought to continue unfolding, it could be 1, 5, 10 or more minutes.  As long as you choose to  entertain thoughts from your past you will continue to develop a habit of  keeping thoughts alive.   There is nothing wrong in sharing old happy stories, but it’s the sad, blaming or accusatory,  he/she did me wrong stories that cause damage the longer we allow them to linger.  Old stories that did not feel good in the first place will never feel good again and that is why you want to leave them where they belong, in the past.  If you have a past trauma that you keep thinking about then going back and finding the source of that pain and dissolving it with a spiritual practice or guidance of a good therapist  is a very important step for you to take for your future well being.  Repetitive sad or angry thoughts are forms of energy that will over time accumulate in your body and become illness later in life unless they are resolved.   As much as possible keep your energy focused on this moment and exciting, happy thoughts about your future.


Identification with your mind,  causes thought to become compulsive . Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don’t realize this because almost everybody is suffering from it, so it’s considered normal.” ~Eckhart Tolle The Power Of Now

It may be helpful to come to the realization that our thoughts and words are forms of energy. Energy has a vibrational feel to it. Here’s what I mean by vibrational feel;  when you say the word ‘darkness’  and then ‘sunshine’ which feels better to you? Most likely sunshine because we know it to be light, pretty, warm and makes us feel good. The same is true for thoughts, feelings and reviewing old past experiences.  What we think and speak about create and affect how we feel mentally and emotionally in every moment of our lives.

Energy has momentum and what we focus on expands, so it only makes sense that what we think and speak about literally keeps us stuck in that moment in time. What also happens when we spend time focusing on past stories or situations is that we deplete our energy. Why would thinking about the past deplete our energy? because the past is no long alive, it is   over and done with so sending our energy to something that no longer exists cannot create more energy, it can only deplete it.

Our health and prosperity can only thrive from the present moment, so the more we can remind ourselves to bring our focus back into the this present moment the better. The more we decide to choose better feeling thoughts the more our mental and emotional health will benefit.

thanks for reading, I would love to hear your comments if you have any. Till next time, Lara

About Lara Catherine

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