Food does matter

Hi there,

this morning I’m really excited to share with you my favourite fresh juices, blended drinks and my go to websites for nutritionally packed easy to make healthy meals.


My first fresh juice I ever made apart from orange/pink grapefruit was the classic Green Lemonade: 5 stalks celery, half bunch kale or parsley, 1 green apple, 1 inch chunk ginger, full lemon.  YUM! This a refreshing green drink that I’ve been enjoying  almost daily since 2005.  I found this juice in the ‘Raw food detox diet book’ by Natalia Rose Detox the world .  Because liquids absorb into the body much fast than solids, you receive pretty much instant benefit when you drink your greens. On a hot summer day I love to juice 1 baby watermelon, 1 lime, 1 inch chunk of ginger, it’s amazing! try it!

The best 2 blended drinks I love and combine into each week are: Pink power detox smoothie from Oh she glows AND Popeye from Kris Carr’s ‘Crazy sexy juice’ book: 1 banana, 1 cup spinach, 1/2 cup frozen mango, 1/2 a pear, coconut water or almond milk and blend. I use coconut water and sometimes add chia seeds and cinnamon.  I highly recommend this book, it’s loaded with highly beneficial information on juicing and blending and comes with over 100 juice, smoothie and nut milk recipes.

If you’re looking for some inspiration for juicing, smoothies and nutritional meals please follow my Glowing juices or Tasty meals boards on Lara Catherine on Pinterest where I am always pinning new recipes.

The following is a list of my most favourite go to cooking websites. All of these sites are vegan meals and while I am not vegan, I may as well be because I eat this food most often for the main reason that I feel so very good and energized when I do.

Pure Ella

Kris Carr

This rawsome vegan life

Oh she glows


Lastly I would like to share the names of a few very informative documentaries that are available on Netflix.  Each documentary was either created by someone who was very sick and recovered through diet or is a health expert who work with people who are ill.  The common thread in all of these shows points towards the fact we often over look…Food does matter.

Netflix Documentaries:

Fat, sick and nearly dead 1 & 2

Food Matters

Hungry for Change


thanks for reading, please leave your comments below or message me privately at:

Meet Lara 

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