Energetic banker

I would like to share some teachings I recently absorbed from reading and watching clips from the work of Caroline Myss, medical intuitive. A most valuable bit I have really taken to heart is the suggestion to think of ourselves as ‘energetic bankers’. In the following example I will use ‘judgement’, but you could use any emotion or negative pattern. Let’s say, we are given $100 per day in energetic currency and for every judgemental thought we have and depending on how long we decide to engage in this negativity, we are charged $10 for one, $25 for another etc. At the end of the day, if we have spent that $100 of energetic currency, where are we? that’s right, in debt. Days turn into months which become years and eventually the energy we are using to finance our negative beliefs is going to come out of our cell tissue, because that is the only place left. After this…dis-ease in the body is most likely well under way.

Negative thoughts drain our body of vital life force. If you find it difficult to remember to stop your negative thought patterns before they have run their course, then put sticky notes around your house, in your car, wherever to remind yourself. Sticky notes are a super good way to begin changing thoughts and habits. When you continue to read those notes in your ‘aware and good mind spaces’ the teachings will begin to absorb much more easily because in those moments, you are more open and willing to take them in. Gradually you will begin to remind yourself naturally to cut the chord on those negative story lines while they are streaming through your mind or mouth. My own sticky note says: ” am I willing to invest in this thought or behaviour?”. Every choice we make will either enhance or compromise our spirit and therefore our health, at any moment, you have the power to decide how the story will end.

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