The best anti aging remedy

                  A few weeks ago I was at Gaia Garden Herbal Dispensary, which is an amazing shop in Vancouver, BC incase you haven’t heard of them. They make all of their own tinctures, all natural remedy’s and teas for almost any symptom you…

It’s time to move

When you have a continual stream of reasons and excuses for why you cannot do ‘whatever’ you will have no results in your life, nothing in your daily experience will change.  Excuses and reasons are what stand between you and what you want.  Last week I met with a friend…

Breathe with them

A post for beginner yoga teachers. It keeps coming up for me to write a short post about breathing with your students, so here is what I have to say about this and it may or may not apply to you. It’s been my fairly regular experience that when in…